
eProsima at OMG Tech Meeting June 2013, Berlin

eProsima will be in the next OMG Tech meeting (June 17-21, 2013, Berlin, Germany), presenting a DDS advanced tutorial and its new product eProsima RPC over DDS.  

The upcoming RPC over DDS standard is near to be released, and the revised submissions (eProsima, RTI and PrismTech) will be discussed at the Middleware and Related Services Platform Technology Committee during this meeting.


OMG & eProsima

The Object Management Group (OMG) is an international industry standards consortium responsible of specifications such as CORBA, UML, DDS, etc. Their members include hundreds of organizations both software vendors and users of many sectors.
eProsima is a member of the OMG and participates in the following ongoing standards:

  • RPC for DDS: Remote Procedure Calls for DDS Specification.
  • DDS Security: Security Specification for DDS
  • Web Enabled DDS: A specification to integrate Web Services and DDS. 

OMG Member




OMG Technical Meeting – June 2013, Berlin 

The OMG Technical Meeting provides IT architects, business analysts, government experts, vendors and end-users a neutral forum to discuss, develop and adopt standards that enable software interoperability for a wide range of industries.

The agenda and details for the next meeting at Berlin (June 17-21) are here.

Meeting Highlight: “DDS – The intelligent Systems Backbone”

One of the meeting highlights is the set of conferences “DDS – The intelligent Systems Backbone” (Tuesday, June 18-19, 2013), these days many speakers will discuss about the Data Distribution Service Standard. The program of the conference including the following topics:

• Case Studies
• Training
• Interoperability Demos
• Middleware Tools

The agenda and details for this section are here.


eProsima Presentations:

RPC over DDS (Tuesday, June 18, 16.50-17.20)

Jaime Martin Losa, CTO eProsima 

DDS is being increasingly selected as the foundation of many mission- and business-critical systems. Some of these systems are designed to be completely data-centric and asynchronous, while others prefer to maintain some interactions (such as placing an order, performing a computation, etc.) as traditional client/server, request/reply, interactions. As such, many DDS users would like to define Services as a collection of operations/methods, and invoke methods using DDS as the transport for requests, replies and exceptions.

This talk will introduce eProsima RPC for DDS, a high performance Remote Procedure Call framework based on DDS, 100% standards-based and open source.

To learn more read our Introduction to RPC over DDS.


DDS Advanced Tutorial: Best-Practice Data-Centric Programming with DDS (Wednesday, June 19, 09.00-12.00)

Jaime Martin Losa, CTO eProsima 

An extended, in-depth tutorial explaining how to fully exploit the standard's unique communication capabilities.

Users upgrading to DDS from a homegrown solution or a legacy-messaging infrastructure often limit themselves to using its most basic publish-subscribe features. This allows applications to take advantage of reliable multicast and other performance and scalability features of the DDS wire protocol, as well as the enhanced robustness of the DDS peer-to-peer architecture. However, applications that do not use DDS's data-centricity do not take advantage of many of its QoS-related, scalability and availability features, such as the KeepLast History Cache, Instance Ownership and Deadline Monitoring. As a consequence some developers duplicate these features in custom application code, resulting in increased costs, lower performance, and compromised portability and interoperability.

This tutorial will formally define the data-centric publish-subscribe model as specified in the OMG DDS specification and define a set of best-practice guidelines and patterns for the design and implementation of systems based on DDS.

To learn more read our Introduction to DDS.


RPC over DDS Revised Submission (Wednesday, June 19, 16.10-17.00)

Jaime Martin Losa, CTO eProsima

eProsima will present its revised submission for this ongoing specification at the Middleware and Related Services Platform Technology Committee.

About the speaker:

Jaime Martin Losa has more than 15 years of experience in project management and software development focused in networking middleware. He was a member of the development team of RTI DDS 4.0, and he has developed advanced features, plug-ins and ports for DDS. Jaime leads the eProsima OMG membership, and is the responsible of eProsima contribution to the DDS standards, as the Web-enabled DDS, DDS Security, RPC for DDS, and others.


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