

Canonical develops a DDS Security Logging plugin for Fast RTPS in collaboration with eProsima

Madrid, March 2020

The DDS security standard includes 5 security modules.

  1. Authentication plugin
  2. Access Control plugin
  3. Cryptographic plugin
  4. Logging plugin
  5. Data Tagging

eProsima’s Fast RTPS already includes the Authentication, Access Control and Cryptographic security plugins, and as of ROS 2 Foxy will also include the Logging plugin developed by Canonical. Therefore, Fast RTPS is the most secure open source DDS implementation for ROS 2.

Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, and leader of the ROS 2 Security Working group, is developing an open source Security Logging plugin for Fast RTPS.
With this new security feature the eProsima DDS middleware will be even more complete by offering the community a new feature that “provides the capability to log all security events, including expected behavior and all security violations or errors”(OMG DDS Security).

As a result, the user has the possibility to integrate a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system and to prioritize, inspect or debug security events easily. This will lead to increased situational awareness, allowing them to identify and react to anomalies on their robot.

How does the Logging plugin work?

The plugin will “add an ID to the log message that uniquely specifies the DomainParticipant. It will also add a time-stamp to each log message. The Logging API has two options for collecting log data. The first is to log all events to a local file for collection and storage. The second is to distribute log events securely over DDS”(OMG DDS Security).


Read the docs offers more documentation and an example of the Logging plugin.

More information about the Security Logging plugin?

For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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