eProsima Fast Buffers

Open source solution

eProsima Fast Buffers product

eProsima Fast Buffers is an open source serialization engine optimized for performancebeating alternatives such as Apache Thrift and Google Protocol Buffers in both Simple and Complex Structures.

eProsima Fast Buffers generates serialization code for your structured data from its definition in an Interface Description Language (IDL). If you need Dynamic Type definition at runtime, please check eProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers.

eProsima Fast Buffers download button

Main Advantages:

 Fast and lightweight serialization: see Performace Charts

 Multi-Platform Integration: Windows & Linux

 CPP 11 code generation

 Open Source: LGPL license


Available Documentation:

Videos Performance Benchmarks Manuals

Hello World Example (Video)

Installation (Video)

Thrift vs Protocol Buffers vs Fast Buffers


Installation Manual (PDF)

User Manual (PDF)

API Reference (Doxygen)


A quick example:

You write an .IDL file like this:

struct VehiclePosition {
	long vehicleId;
	float x;
	float y;

Then you compile the file with the fastbuffers compiler to generate C++ code. Afterwards, you use that code to serialize your data:

FastBuffer fastbuffer;
VehiclePositionSer VehiclePosition_ser(fastbuffer);
// Structure to serialize.
VehiclePosition ser_var;
// Here the structure has to be initialized.
// Serialization.
VehiclePosition_ser << ser_var;

or to deserialize:

// Reset the reading position in the serializer object to start deserialization.
// The buffer will be deserialized in the next structure.
VehiclePosition des_var;
// Deserialization.
VehiclePosition_ser >> des_var;
// print your data
cout << des_var.vehicleId() << endl;
cout << des_var.x() << endl;
cout << des_var.y() << endl;


More Information about eProsima Fast Buffers:

For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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General Information:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: info@eProsima.com

Tech Support:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: support@eProsima.com

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All Rights Reserved.

Office address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11,
Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)